Animal sacrifice?

I found these statistics in The Vegetarian magazine recently. I call it ...and in the gulleys ran rivers of blood. If this was a human slaughter there would be uproar.

Animals slaughtered in 2008 in the UK only:
sheep 16.5 million
goats 9,500
farmed deer 6,000
cattle 2.6m
pigs 9.5m
broilers-meat chicken 800m
turkeys 15m
hens slaughtered after 'spent' (around 1 yr old) over 28m

Most male chicks are killed in their first few days (those lovely fluffy things) because farmers want 'layers'. When calves are taken from their mothers (a few day old) they cry. Farmers want the milk for us to drink.

Finally, 92% of drug experiments on animals are useless because drugs do not react the same way in humans. Non animal experiments are very possible now with our new technology and the Dr Hadwen Trust support these techniques by funding these projects. They do a wonderful job. To find out more visit
