A cheery shopping centre - but what does it mean to the homeless? |
Wow! We had such wind and rain last night. It's time like this you feel grateful that you don't have to go out and hope that the roof is solid. But there are plenty of people who are out, sheltering in doorways, under bridges, trying to keep warm and dry. I know I wouldn't last a night in the cold because when the temperature drops I hate it. When I get cold I get irritable and my head feels numb (and that's with a thermal hat and thick coat!). I'm so glad I don't have to spend Saturdays watching my kids play football anymore. Don't get me wrong, I loved watching them, it was the cold, wet, windy field I hated. I'd lose all sensation in my feet and the cold felt like it had gone right through my bones. At home it would take me hours to get warm again even with the heating on full blast and hands around a mug of soup or hot chocolate. (The things we do for our kids!)
I would never survive a life on the streets but many sleep rough every night. Life for them has gone wrong and society has let them slip through the net. Many will get a place to sleep and food to eat over Christmas and Boxing Day through charity schemes but then the doors will shut and they will be back on the streets. The government wanted to stop charities delivering hot soup and drinks to the homeless because they felt it encouraged them. WHAT? These people don't live in the real world. It is still a case of take from the poor and give to the rich. I know I have a lot to be grateful for and having a roof over my head is one of them.
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