Weekend musings

Rosemary is blooming!
It's been a lovely sunny day today and I managed a brief sit in the garden.  I've started reading Sister by Rosamund Lupton. It's okay.  Maybe I've just not really got into it and I think I'm still in the lull of my last book (Minding Frankie) which was like a lovely warm bath!

I've been so tired lately that I actually refused a shopping trip!  Last night I was in bed by 9.45pm.  Usually I watch some of Match of the Day but Spurs lost, so didn't miss much!

We had a burglary a few doors down this week.  They went in through the front door during the daytime, which is worrying.  The lady from that house was mugged in this road last year too.  That was also in daylight.  We don't live in a particularly rough area but it seems things are on a downward spiral.  I do feel for my neighbours as we were burgled 13 years ago.  It's a dreadful feeling to think people have gone through your personal things and it took me ages to stop feeling unsure every time I came home to an empty house.  I didn't care about most of what was taken but I was upset about a ring my mum gave me for my 21st birthday.  It was a her ring and she had it made smaller for me.  You cannot replace something like that.  It was unique.
