Tales of the unexpected......?

Once a year I book a visit to the theatre for my church group but this year there wasn't a great choice at the time we normally go and only five of us went. I think the subject matter put a lot off as it did sound rather gloomy. I hoped we wouldn't regret it.

Well, how wrong can you be!  We had a great night out.  The play was Ghosts by Henrik Ibsen.  We were warned that the first half was one hour and twenty minutes long (so going to loo was a good idea!) and the second half just twenty minutes. Anyway, the first half never seemed that long as it just flowed well.  The subject matter was gloomy - an unhappy marriage, infidelities, one with a servant while the mother keeps these secrets from the son (hubby had died and son had returned).  When this play was written in the late 1800's it caused outrage but these days we take things in our stride.  So while the subject matter was gloomy (and set on a day of heavy rain and dark brooding clouds) there was humour and the play was well acted. Unfortunately, from the numbers of  theatre-goers there it seems this wasn't a popular play for others as only seats in the stalls were filled and then barely half full.  What a shame - they missed something really good. Sometimes you just  have to take chances. I've often found that the things I didn't think would be that good turn out to be better than those things in life that have been hyped up by the media - they often lead to disappointment.
