Let's hear it for buskers!

In Kingston the other day I noticed some new buskers in the precinct. There was a great guy playing electric guitar. As I came along he was playing a mean Get Back, my favourite Beatles number. As I passed again he was into Status Quo. If I'd had the time I think I would have sat and listened. Instead I dropped some coins into his guitar case. He was brilliant. Further along there was a man singing Opera - a famous piece,. the name of which escapes me but not Nessun Dorma! Further along still was another guitarist tuning up. It reminds that music should be heard live. There is nothing like it for atmosphere. Music really speaks to me more when I can hear it that way whether in a hall or outside - it is vibrant, real and now! CD's are great but they will never capture the same feeling being 'in it' quite the same.

Having said that here is one of my favourite classical pieces - I have so many versions of this - classical and trance - it's quite ridiculous, but each has something new to offer and goes on and on in new versions and mixes and then back again.  Enjoy!
