The power of the sun

Heaven is sitting in the first warmth of the year with mug of tea in one hand and book in the other feeling the sun chase off the chill of winter from tired bones.

This morning after doing a few chores I sat on the bench by my back door soaking up the sun. I was amazed how warm it was and knowing how brief these spells can be I stayed there until the clouds began to gather and creep over the sun - two and a half hours later! Boy did I need it.  I read a little and then just drifted into this warm relaxed state of nothingness. I feel it has done me the power of good. Enough to see me through cleaning the bathroom this afternoon anyway!

Bulbs are sprouting and the first daffs are almost out. Trees are also gradually coming into blossom. As well as being the wettest, windiest winter it has also been one of the mildest. I don't like the cold so I can't complain but I have missed the sun and the longer days which are now lengthening out too.

Well, that shot of sunshine will have to keep me going for a while, I expect (it 15 degrees in London today) but as I see the flowers begin to bloom I shall know that spring is almost here.
