More books

Took myself off to the library on Thursday and indulged in being around so many books. I had a list of books I was after. These were books from an online course I've been following. All the books are historical fiction and from the USA. I couldn't find any of them. Never mind, I soon found others I was keen to read! I'm already half way through the McCall Smith book and I have another Elly Griffiths book waiting in the wings (so pleased I found that). I will comment about the fiction writing book on my other blog.

Having made it to the library after so long, I found I was mentally making note of books I wanted to read. Tempted as I was to bring my full quota back, I steeled myself. I still have books here at home to read so I'm only allowing myself two fiction at most each time I go to the library so I can continue reducing my pile.

I also picked up the book group read on Thursday. We are reading The Woman in Black by Susan Hill. I've read this already but it's a short book and I can probably read it in four days, so I've set it aside for now. I enjoy Susan Hill's writing and it will be nice to re-quaint myself with this one.

The sun is out so I think I might make a cuppa and take my book outside. Not sure how long I'll be there because the weather is so unpredictable today. One minute sunny, next cloudy. It's very windy too, so hopefully I'll get my second batch of washing dry.
