This one is set in the 60's. Christie, who saw a life for herself, making to better herself, falls for Truman and marries him because she wants someone to love her. Ten years down the line she has two children and a baby and has quickly learnt not to ask Truman questions. Like why they are left in a run down caravan in the middle of nowhere while he goes off to attend to work.
Truman is a liar and a cheat and is only concerned with himself and his watchwords - keeping it simple - keeping it separate. But things are about to go badly wrong for him and all his cheating is catching up with him.
The story is told from various viewpoints - Christie, Baxter (Truman's eight year old son), Soldier, who lives in the woods near the caravan (an injured soldier from WWII who has lost his memory and befriends Baxter) and Strachan, the muscle employed to find Truman and get out of him what he owes. The story is told mainly over one day, well a good two thirds anyway. Each chapters starts with a time and a different character. It is an often sad, turbulent family drama, yet it leaves you with hope. Running through the novel is the music of the time. Truman likes to play the piano at bars, there's music on the radio, singing in the car, and there are mentions of current affairs of the time. So with it comes a nostalgia I identify with. I read this book rather quickly because I got caught up in the story and just needed to continue. Mark has a way of getting inside a character, particularly Baxter who is wary of his father yet longs for him to love him the way he seems to his sister Megan.
As the story unfolded I had no idea how it would end and I liked the way the viewpoints changed, keeping it current while filling in the backstory how Christie and Truman's life had come to this point. The story is set in Brighton (a place I know well) and the Ashdown Forest (also in Sussex).
I had already decided to read another of Mark's books and then was delighted to see there is a sequel to this one. I came across Mark Haysom by accident and I'm so glad I did. I love his writing and he certainly deserves more recognition for his writing. I hope I've helped!
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