Going Vegan for a month - Day Two

The very last fireworks of the night
Well, my pledge nearly came undone last night due to a hot chocolate. I had an expected and nice trip out with sporty son. He'd bought some tickets for a local firework display intending to take his girlfriend but for some reason he thought the display was on Sunday. It wasn't and his girlfriend was working last night. With such short notice he couldn't find anyone to go with so I went with him!

It was a very cold evening and there was a bit of hanging around so my son suggested hot chocolate. Without thinking I said yes, what a good idea. Then it hit me. I couldn't drink it because it contains milk. I tell you, I did try and argue with myself over this but I thought this is stupid, I'm quitting on the first day? I said I'd have black tea instead but the queues were so long in the end we didn't bother with the hot drink.

The fireworks were lovely and I really enjoyed myself. I have to say it is a rare thing to be out with my youngest (now 24). Normally we pass in the kitchen or the hall! When I got home he made me a cup of tea with soya milk - how thoughtful.

This incident made me think about my usual bedtime drink which is Instant Horlicks (which contains milk). That would have to go. I had a cocoa alternative made with soya milk. I'd survived one day!

Today I went out shopping with my other son who is a vegetarian. I was on the look out for vegan snacks because I can't at the moment eat my favourite Nature Valley bars (they contain honey). We headed into Holland & Barratt and I bought some rather expensive vegan flapjacks. I'd already dug into my vegan cookbooks last night looking for recipes for biscuits and cakes (my weakness). I've made cakes before and the kids used to love the spice biscuits I made, and it's always cheaper to make your own. After a few items from the health food shop I went to Waitrose for some basic stuff like porridge oats and another cheap cereal. I can't believe I ended up with Corn Flakes, but there you go. I also bought a small Maple Syrup.

The tube to the left is a spicy Mexican pate which I love,
there is a tin of braised tofu and a tub of gravy granules. 

Now well set up with a few other bits I came home and made my lunch after which I made some Carob Buns topped with butter cream icing (made using Pure dairy-free).

I've spotted some mushrooms in the fridge that need eating up so on tonight's menu is mushroom goulash!

Today's meal plan:

Breakfast:   Two slices of wholemeal toast with soya spread and marmalade
Lunch:        Salad made with mixed lettuce, beetroot, grated carrot, red onion topped with vegan                            mayonnaise (first time trying this. Don't think I used enough to comment yet!),                                      wholemeal roll with soya spread
Dinner:       Mushroom goulash (recipe to follow - will have to see what else I can make it with!)

Last night's dinner was lovely with the kidney bean, chilli and tomato filler

Before the fireworks last night
