One week after the vegan pledge

Stuffed peppers and salad
A whole week has gone by and I thought I'd give you an update on what I'd been eating. Sad to say I've slipped back somewhat. The Horlicks crept back in. The first day off my vegan pledge I was at an Advent service where tea was provided. I ate far less than normal but the veggie option was cream cheese or egg and cress sandwiches. I had cream cheese (very think spread). I also had two tiny scones with some sort of spread and jam, one had a blob of cream and half a strawberry. My compromise on this occasion - I took my own soya milk.

On Wednesday the book group I belong to had their Christmas meal. There was one veggie option out of ten dishes, but at least it wasn't the one with goats cheese. But cheese came into it. It was Brie, sweet potato, spinach and mushroom wellington. It was actually delicious. I then proceeded to have apple pie and custard!

I have been eating up my own cakes which survived in the fridge. I can't throw them just because they contain butter and egg. Sorry. That's just a waste of food. To balance this I have been taking my container of soya milk with me when I know I'll be somewhere that doesn't have it, like peoples' houses. And when out I've gone into Pret and chosen the vegan option every time, but slipped and had a hot chocolate one day when I was at Waterloo Station singing with Euphonix (needed something warm. Yes, I could have had tea).

I made a cheesy pasta dish with vegan cheese and have used my dairy-free mayo on salads. On the whole I've eaten vegan main courses...oh except the Quorn escalopes and the quiche my hubby bought. Actually the quiche wasn't very nice and I think maybe it was the taste of cheese!

I'm busy baking for the cafe I run at church. Tomorrow is the last one before Christmas and I've baked a few mince pies. I'm also making a festive bran loaf which will be totally vegan (fruit soaking in soya milk). Not telling them that!

I've also been checking out a few more vegan friendly items and I came across two treats! I also found my old Viva badge and here are a couple of vegan main courses I made this week. Finally, a picture of some of Euphonix singing at Waterloo Station on Tuesday for The Stroke Association.

Cheesy pasta ( vegan style)
Euphonix singing at Waterloo Station
