Canary Wharf and some artistic photography (maybe!)

Canary Wharf
I've missed my trips out lately and I've been itching to get out and about. So yesterday a friend and I headed out to Canary Wharf. I've been there many times but she hadn't seen the Roof Garden at the Crossrail building.  So that's where we headed to via Jubilee Park.

Normally I just take photos with my mobile phone but I'm about to begin an online course in photography so that I can learn about using my bridge camera and get off the auto setting. That's the theory anyway. So yesterday I took my bridge camera with me to try a few artistic shots. The course has a pre-course project (optional) to take 30 photos on set themes/prompts and to load them up (in groups of 5) to their Facebook Group. In this we can use photos shot on mobiles and auto settings because the hard work starts in a week when we get to grips with the tough stuff! So some of the photos here were taken for the last 10 photos for the 'make 30 photos'.

Back to the Roof Garden.....we bought lunch and sat in the garden eating and chatting and then I took my friend to Columbus Square which I remembered from a walk I did about 18 months ago. We then headed for Westferry Circus where we found the loos closed which meant going back to the crowded shopping mall (not my favourite place). From there we headed back to the South Bank for tea in the Royal Festival Hall before we parted company.

It was a nice day with the sun eventually coming out. Canary Wharf always seems a windy/cool place due to all those tall building, I guess, but once in the sun it was lovely and warm.

 Prompt: 'Depth' (Canary Wharf outside Jubilee Line station)

Prompt: 'Movement' (Jubilee Park)

Prompt: 'Two colours' (Roof Garden)

Prompt: 'Texture' (Roof Garden)

Columbus Square

Columbus Square

Columbus Square

Close to Westferry Circus
