Book Review - The Unbelievable Truth by Gordon Smith

Gordon is a well known medium and has written several books. I have always been sceptical of mediums but consider I have an open mind on most things. I saw Gordon Smith on TV several years ago. He, along with other mediums and psychics, were interviewed and filmed ‘working’. My reaction was that a lot of these mediums played on the emotions of vulnerable people who were clinging on for some hope. Gordon was different. I remember him meeting a lady whose son had died in an accident and she had been to lots of different mediums and couldn’t move on. She lived for these meetings, to have some contact with her son. Gordon got the connection but at the end of the session he told her that she should stop going to mediums – in other words it was unhealthy to keep living like this. He seemed a genuine, caring person and I warmed to him.

Known as ‘The Psychic Barber’ (that’s his day job) he is quite famous and I was eager to read his book. In it he recounts his upbringing and how these strange things happened to him but he never talked about them because his mother dismissed it all. Later he trained to use these powers (for want of a better word) to help people. In the ten chapters of his book he covers Mediums and Psychics, Life after Death, Heaven and Hell, Ghosts and Spirits, Poltergeists and Hauntings, Public Non-Reality, Altered States, Strands of Time, Reincarnation and Consciousness. Each chapter includes a list of misconceptions and an explanation of each phenomena which is backed up by case studies, either from personal experience or from something he has been told by a reliable friend. He deals with the ‘charlatan’ aspect, agreeing that many exist. Some stories are poignant, others are amusing.

This is an excellent book if you want to know the basics of how mediumship works, what causes things to go bump in the night and learn about other aspects of the spirit world. It is all dealt with in an understandable, easy to read way. I found it fascinating and read the whole book in two days! What do I believe now? Well, I’ve always believed there is an energy, a vibration, that can affect us. I think it is also possible that there are different layers of consciousness or parallel worlds. People do see things, my mother did, and I wouldn’t disbelieve her. There is a lot more ‘out there’ than we can ever grasp. But I also know there a lot of people making money out of others and who put on an act for TV. Like everything, you have to be cautious, but I do think there are people like Gordon Smith who are genuine and who wish to put people’s minds at rest and get some sort of closure. Read the book for yourself and see what you think.
