Music, music, music!

I'm addicted to music. If I don't get my regular fix I suffer withdrawal symptoms (I get very grumpy). As I've got older the variety of music I listen to has widenend. Some of it I have come across accidently and others I have been introduced to. My kids' taste in music has rubbed off on me on as they began their own musical journey and went through various phases. My youngest introduced me to R&B, which I was force-fed every morning before he went to school when he flicked through the music channels on TV. His favourite (and now mine) is Kiss 100. They play R&B, Hip Hop and Dance. It's through him that I found Akon and now I just love his music. Of course it's not cool for a Mum to like the music her sons listen to and more than once my youngest has switched off his music as I've entered the room, afraid I might ask 'who's that'? Now he can't be bothered. My other son introduced me to Evenesence, though when I was ill one time and borrowed their second album off him I had to switch it off because it was making me so depressed! Just proves the point that music affects your mood.

I am sure also that as the kids get older the music I play will come back to haunt them. I think particularly of that famous guitar riff from Smoke On The Water (Deep Purple), which I taught both of them to play on guitar (they could probably 'name that tune' in three now!) and of the dance I did with my youngest when he was much younger and I could still just about lift him. The music was the theme tune to Titanic. He especially loved the leaning forward, arms wide like Leonardo di Caprio. This was a constant request! Gosh I did have some fun dancing with my kids, more like gymnatiscs sometimes - not sure what health and safety would have made of it, heads just skimming the furniture, but boy did they love it!

Certainly I know that the music you grow up with comes back to you. After both my parents had passed away my brother and I went through their record collection - it was actually more my Dad's. Anyway, there were certain records I couldn't part with and I have them here at home and occasionally play. One is Bert Kampfurt's Swinging Safari LP (not many of you will remember that!) though a few years ago one of the songs was used in an advert. These memories take me straight back to him. My family were musical and that's where I get my love of it from. It's in my blood. Both my parents sang in a choir (choral) with my aunt. My Mum and her father played piano (he was a piano tuner), my Dad could play Chopsticks! Dad was a choirboy. I grew up with a love of music, if not the same kind as them, but things change as you get older and here am I now singing in a choir (though not choral). Some of you will know that I used to write my own songs, though I don't read or write music, and I have written songs with penpals (I always had to do the music because no one else could). It was great fun and I still have all the tapes! I went through a period of writing songs about my workplace with and my colleagues - funny stuff and they cried with laughter (well that's what they told me!). These days I write poetry instead but I keep meaning to get my guitar out one day.

Anyway, while browsing on YouTube I came across something called Mozart Trance Re-mix. I was intrigued because as you know I like Trance music and I first came across it when I heard a Barber (classical) track but played by William Orbit mixed with Trance - it was wonderful and I have at least three versions of Adagio for Strings (classical, with voices and Trance mix). So, I played the Mozart mix and it just blew me away (Mozart as you've never heard him). This is what I love, it's energising and I use this type of music to exercise to. I know it won't be for everyone but I couldn't resist putting the link on here. It's

Finally, my favourite current song is from James Morrison and as I mentioned Akon, here is someting of his This is a slightly different mix than the one on the album (no 'rap' bridge) but it's still amazing.

More music to follow!
