Retreat thoughts and X Factor!

Thought you might like to know where it was I actually went last week. The website is:

Everything you want to know is there - have a look at the picture gallery. I have finished the book Finding Sanctuary and have been downloaded some articles from various websites mentioned in the book and bookmarked a few. I will find these useful as I try to continue what I started while away. I give here the link to Worth Abbey where the writer of the book lives with other monks. Read 'Tony's story'. He was one of the men who took part in the BBC documentary called The Monastery. Enjoy something different!

I wrote quite a few poems/thoughts while I away. I thought I'd share this amusing ditty with you:'s a retreat house!

The dodgy lock,
the squeaky board
outside my bedroom door.
The rattle of key
and mumbled words
as I quietly try once more!

Now it's back to reality - the washing, ironing, shopping, the X Factor!! My favourites after this weekend are Jamie Archer and Olly. What about John & Edward?! Tacky performance but like Simon Cowell says they are entertaining in a weird way! Who's your favourite?
