Did you miss me?

So, did you? What do you mean no? I seem to have been 'out of it' lately but am getting back on track. The postal strike is over so that should make life easier.

Euphonix did another little end of term concert recently. I had missed one rehearsal so wasn't sure which songs we were were singing. I listened to the midi files on their website as 'homework' and revised some songs I thought we might do. We had a rehearsal before the concert but I had a splitting headache so it was a bit of a struggle for me. We sang Sullivan Street and Hit The Road Jack plus a 'round' (in which I momentarily got lost! It seemed to go okay.

Looking forward to the Dr Who special on Sunday. Enjoying Merlin but will miss Doc Martin. X Factor is becoming a bit of a joke now with the fiasco over John &; Edward. A lot of good singers have gone out because of them.

Got a busy week coming up next week, Euphonix has been invited to perform a song at a multi-faith event (and teach a song) on Sunday afternoon, theatre on Monday, meeting Tuesday, choir Wednesday, another meeting on Thursday, church cleaning rota Friday and I'll be serving lunches at my church's Christmas Fair on Saturday (making food the day before). I also have my two shifts at Oxfam and I'm getting my hair cut on Tuesday!

Met up with my brother last Saturday at Lewes in Sussex. We had lunch at our favourite pub, looked at the shops (me dragging him round various shops!) and we had afternoon tea at the White Hart Hotel. It was a beautiful day, cold but sunny.
