At the moment I'm reading 'Circle of Sisters' by Judith Flanders which is about the Macdonald family and the marriages of four of the sisters into famous families.  Alice is the mother of Rudyard Kipling, Georgina is the wife of Pre-Raphaelite painter Edward Burne-Jones, Agnes the wife of Edward Poynter, the President of the Royal Academy and Louisa is the mother of Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin.  Judith has done her research well and creates a very visual portrayal of life in the Victorian era in which the family lived.  She follows the girls humble beginnings, their Methodist upbringing, and their struggles, tragedies and joys as they move from childhood into marriage and motherhood.. I cannot put this book down!  Of course the fact that I am 'rather taken' with the Pre-Raphaelites might have something to do with it.  So many famous people appear in this book such as Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Morris, John Ruskin and Ford Madox-Brown.  This is historical, moving, even funny in places, a book that looks at middle-class life, both public and domestic.  It is a delightful read.


Peace enshrouds me in this sanctuary,
the secular world is left outside closed doors.
The ethereal glow of candles
draws me into His presence.
With wax my anointing oil,
mustiness my incense
I cast off the mantle of anxiety
and self doubt
revelling in the pleasure of being alone
with Him,
silent, uncluttered,

Heather Walker©2005
(published in Areopagus Issue 62)
