Something New

Looking on the Open University site I was scanning for something new to interest me.  On their 'Open Learn' page they have loads of material taken directly from main courses which you can look at and use for free.  This is an opportunity to get a taster to see if this is something you would want to study as a whole course with them or just to learn a little about the subject.  A whole course now costs around £600 so it makes sense to try these out and there is so much to choose from.  For me this time I've gone for....don't laugh...Engineering and Technology! Actually this 'Block' (as they call them in the full course) is called 'Revolutions in Sound Recording' and I am really enjoying it.  I'm sure I will come to a point where I will get lost in it but for now I am learning about how sound works for recording and playback, Edison's first attempt with cylinders and Berliner's disc variety.  For someone who still has all her old LP's and 45 singles it is interesting to learn about how the grooves work. 

I'm off to Sussex today to visit my brother for a few days  The weather sounds hopeful but packing is always a trial!  I'm taking a rucksack instead of a case this time as I've managed to pack to a minimum.  The train will probably be busy now we are into the holiday season but I hope to get a seat.  When we went to Brighton earlier in the month we stood all the way, but it was a Saturday, the busiest day.  I still prefer train to any other form of travel and once we get out of London into some greenery I feel myself relaxing.
