I added a touch of literary and musical culture to my day yesterday.  I had the sudden urge to read something different, a 'classic', so I've started 'Great Expectations' by Charles Dickens.  It's just what I needed after Dan Brown!  Actually I do like Dan Brown's books (I've read them all) but maybe I just wasn't in the mood this time and I was pleased to get 'The Lost Symbol' finished. 

Musically-wise I needed a blast of classical and had intended to dig out my LP of 'The Planet Suite' but decided to listen to Vivaldi's 'Four Seasons' (Nigel Kennedy on violin) on CD.  I'd forgotten how damn good it is.

Today is choir practice. This term we are going over some older songs again as well as learning some new, including a Kylie Minogue (my favourite one of hers...'I just can't get you outta my head...')

Yesterday morning I spent an hour in the dentists chair have impressions done for a partial crown (unfortunately not partial cost!).  I felt quite out of it when I got home, as if someone had kicked my head in!  I had been pretty tense so I guess it was the build up and then the relief when it was over.

I've been thinking about colours recently, and how they affect you.  I love bright colours and pastels. Blacks drain my face so I only wear them on the bottom half, likewise navy and brown are better left to the bottom half unless I can jazz it up with something bright.  I love red which is a powerful colour but sometimes it is too powerful and I have to change out of it into more calming colours.  My favourite colours are lilac and turquoise and I wear them a lot.  I feel happy in them and people say they suit me.  I especially use them when I want to feel calm and relaxed or just because I like them a lot!  I do believe that colours can alter your mood (McDonalds used to use red in their furnishings to encourage people to move on!).  Too much dark in my clothes makes me feel despressed or just down.  Light or bright colours have the opposite affect.
Everyone is different I suppose so maybe colours affect you in another way. 

Colours aren't the only mood changer.  Music does that too me too.  Sometimes if I'm a bit down I play really loud music (Deep Purple 'Machine Head' springs to mind!) and that brings my energy levels up.  Sometimes I need to feel calm so I use Enya's music or something else soothing.  I do often choose music to suit the mood but in general listening to music is always a good 'booster'.  I sing along or dance and in fact if I go too long without music I get really tetchy.

Gee, I need to eat breakfast and get started on the day.  Here is an all-time favourite Dire Straits track of mine - enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wu4oy1IRTh8
