Book Review

Yesterday I finished reading 'blueyedboy' by Joanne Harris.  I was really looking forward to this one as I'm a big fan of Joanne's books but after the first couple of pages I began to wonder if I was going to enjoy this.  It grated a bit and wasn't what I expected, despite knowing a little about it.  Basically the whole book is written as a webjournal, the character being of multiple personalities, his life whether fact or fiction out there for all to see.  He is particularly out to 'groom' someone called Albertine, but is she who she says she is?  Hard to say.  The book did improve and I found it hard to put down but the impression I have now I've read it is one of confusion.  I felt the ending was also unsatisfactory.  Not the best of books but it did make me realise how the internet can manipulate and how you can hide and be who you want to be.  Just because you say you are male and 46 does not mean that you are.

Read it?  Your thoughts?
