Mixing with the Famous!

Bet you've been wondering where I was.  Then again I'm sure you have much more interesting things to do than read this!

January has already been a busy time.  I've been back at Oxfam on Monday afternoons and from tomorrow I'll be there in the mornings instead.  Last Sunday I went to to a reading of some of Shakespeare's sonnets on the theme 'Love is my Sin'.  After the performance I nipped to the loo and standing at the basins was Prunella Scales.  We had a short conversation about the merits of hand towels over hand dryers!  On coming out I looked across and there was Timothy West (her husband).  It seems I was destined to mix with the famous last week as when I went to choir I saw one of the presenters of Bargain Hunt on his mobile in the foyer of the club we were reheasing in that week.  The film crew were there and the contestants in their blue and red fleeces.  There is a large antiques shop almost next door and I suspect they were filming in there too.

The week before I went to Tate Britain to see the Eadweard Muybridge exhibition.  He is a local famous inventor who spent much of his life in the USA taking photos but most famous for his sequence photos of horses trotting and running using many cameras and trip wires (this was before the days of movie).  I found the exhibition fascinating.  Use this link to find out more http://www.tate.org.uk/britain/exhibitions/eadweardmuybridge/default.shtm

I've also spent a lot of time either writing poetry or looking into publications and opportunities.  I have submitted six poems for either (hopeful) publication or competition entries and tonight I am attending the TS Eliot Prize Readings at the Royal Festival Hall in London.

Still on the subject of writing I have looked at The Poetry School where you can buy and download various courses so I have bought my first one.  This year I am aiming to take my writing further and more seriously, rather than half hearted, by entering at least one competition a month, taking courses, going to poetry readings and reading more widely.  Like all New Years' resolutions I am hoping I don't fade after January's good intentions.

Other than that, I have been busy with Mothers' Union as we prepare for our AGM this week and consider ideas for a display in church for National Marriage Week (February).

So, what is your New Years' Resolution?  Maybe you don't bother.  Give me your thoughts.
