Celtic Spirituality weekend

Branksome Beach
 Been away to a retreat centre for a weekend exploring Celtic spirituality.  It was so calming and peaceful.  Our retreat leader was from The Community of Aidan and Hilda and he is an Explorer Guide for his region. There was so much to learn about Celtic Saints, the history of our Celtic roots, the Roman church which stifled it and the desire of many to rediscover those roots.  We had teaching sessions, prayer times in the chapel (morning, noon and night), lovely Celtic music, a bookstall, a four hour silent reflection and a forty minute guided meditation. We also had a creative session in the art room.

I met some interesting people, the food was plentiful and good (with coffee/tea breaks with biscuits and cake!) and during the silent time I went for a walk down to Branksome Beach.  It was lovely and I could have sat there for hours.  During the creative time we all wrote, drew or painted something to be included in the midday prayers that day.  I wrote a prayer and did a drawing in wax crayons. One evening our retreat leader asked me to lead the prayers.  It was all written on a piece of paper so it wasn't difficult.

I came away with much to mull over, books to read and I intend to learn more.  The Celtic way certainly appeals to me as I've always loved nature and I find God in his creation.  I find the wording of the prayers appeal to me and I can associate with them.
