Advent - 19th December 2011 (a poem)


Under the tree piled one on the other
were presents galore for Dad and for Mother
and one or two extra for sister and brother
and one for the dog and some for grandmother.

There were presents for aunts and presents cousins
and some for the uncles, they ran into dozens,
for some were from neighbours and some were from friends
and some came by post with notes ‘do not bend’.

Sammie, the youngest, when everyone came
gave out the presents, each one with its name
and when he was finished, one present remained,
‘Who is that for?’ his father exclaimed.

‘This one’s for Jesus’, young Sammie replied,
‘We can’t leave him out’, his little voice cried.
‘Can’t say what it is or I’ll spoil the surprise
but the shop lady said that it’s newborn in size.

(first published in Areopagus in December 2008)
