Advent - 5th December 2011 (the art of waiting)

Advent is all about waiting.  Waiting is not something many of us are good at - me included.  We are encouraged to have it today, buy now pay later.  But Advent is the one time I don't mind waiting.  I love Advent, the build up and even in this hectic rush before Christmas I find time to sit and ponder, read a special book with readings and reflections for every day of the Advent season.

Yesterday afternoon we had our Christingle service in church.  All that hard work making up the orange and candle was worth it (seven of us made them in the end!) when we surrounded the church with the lit candles, the only light, to sing Away in a Manger.  It is truly magical.  There was one blip, the mince pies we'd left in the kitchen (left over from our Christmas fair) had disappeared.  We were going to serve them afterwards.  Then a kindly member of the congregation nipped to Lidl to get us some boxes and everyone was able to enjoy their refreshments.  Here is my favourite choir (Libera) singing Away in a  Manager.  Enjoy.
