What I got for Christmas

Hope you all had a great Christmas and welcome back. Here are my new soft toys.  Like them?  The three penguin chicks are from the film Happy Feet Two (a present from eldest son) and the Meerkat is Maiya, the school teacher (a present from hubby, who also gave me a book Where's the Meerkat and a Meerkat calendar!).  I also received some much needed new slippers, gift voucher, a solar light for the garden a Don McLean Greatest Hits CD, diary, memo block a CD of Italian Christmas music, brooch and a can opener and oven gloves (I did ask for these!)

Yes, we watched loads of TV but went for a walk to the High Street on Boxing Day (a lot of shops were open - guess who forgot the Cranberry Sauce - ahh! but I picked some up for the next meal).  Have pigged out on too many nuts, sweets and Christmas Pudding yet hardly made an impact on what there is as friends gave us chocolates and biscuits but they will keep.

The guinea pigs had a little Christmas Stocking with treats which they are enjoying!  We started on the jigsaw on Boxing Day.  Progress is..... slow!
