Sunday break time

It's Sunday, it's cold and I long for spring and some nice sunny days, to feel the warmth upon me.  Coming home from poetry class on Thursday night it began snowing and was laying.  It looked really pretty in the morning and then the sun came out and it began to melt.  The photo above is from Photobucket.  Lovely isn't it?

I'm just taking a break from the Open University OpenLearn site.  I decided to do one of the free modules and stretch my brain (it needs something after I baked some biscuits yesterday and left the sugar out!  Luckily they are iced so not a complete disaster.  They were for a bake sale at church - I didn't let on my mistake!!)  Anyway, I'm learning about Finding Information in Arts and History as I'm not very good at searching online other than through Google. I'm finding out about journals and databases and I've got to a practical bit so time for a break and cuppa!

Book club met on Wednesday night and we've decided to each read a Dickens book as its a big anniversary this year.  I picked up a book with four of his novels in it at Oxfam on Thursday.  Two of the novels I have already read (A Christmas Carol and Great Expectations) so I have chosen Hard Times, basically because it's the shortest of the two left (A Tale of Two Cities is the other one - which I will read at some point).  I'm getting on with it okay and have got into it a bit.  I still have my other book on the go so I keep switching between the two.  Thankfully they are two totally different stories.

I thought I'd got rid of my cold but on Wednesday I had another sore throat and I felt pretty lousy on Thursday but I don't feel so bad now and hopefully this will be the end of it.

Heard about Whitney Houston today.  I didn't know about her personal problems.  Such a waste of life, so young.  What an amazing voice.  She will be very much missed. I have her Greatest Hits and the soundtrack to The Bodyguard in my CD collection.

Oh well, back to the learning!
