Thinking of holidays

Despite the cold (expecting snow tonight!) and also having a sore throat, hubby and I went off to the Holiday Destinations Exhibition yesterday.  We spent a couple of hours going round all the stands advertising their holiday/country and picked up a few brochures and entered a few competitions.  The world stage didn't seem to have any dancers this year (drat!) but we did see the ex-TV newsreader, Sir Trevor McDonald in interview.  The highlight for me was to find they had three park homes/caravans to walk around.  Hubby wouldn't come in, but I love wandering around the rooms, opening cupboards, drawers and wardrobes and inspecting the kitchen appliances!  I did drag hubby into one when I went back to see if the caravan had a washing machine!  Good fun, anyway.  Other than that the exhibition was much the same and previous years.  I tried a sample of some vegan cake (yummy) and I bought a bar of hand made soap from Just Soaps of the Earth.

Tonight I'm going to a quiz night at my church and my eldest son is coming along.  Our table will be Mothers' Union members with partners and friends.  Let's hope we can do ourselves proud!
