Oh! my tired legs |
Ask me how I feel....go on ask. I'll tell you anyway. My legs ache. Yes, I did manage to struggle out for a run this morning (run, walk, run etc!) and I also kept to my targets (run to the end of this path, between these lamp posts, up this short hill). I have a route which is basically to the end of my road, cross the main road to the little park and round the paths, out the other side, cross over and up the short hill round on to the straight bit (long breather here) and pick up as it goes down hill all the way back to the main road again, along to the traffic lights, cross and back to my road. I was out at about 7.20am this morning, much quieter, mainly people with dogs. Yesterday I came across two guys on a bench. They looked like they might be rough sleepers and I guessed (rightly) that they were Eastern European. They said 'good morning' and I said 'good morning back'. They said something in their language as I walked away. It could have been 'not bad legs for a 57 year old' but that might be wishful thinking!
Bought a copy of the Olympic preview magazine yesterday which gives what is going on each day and where and what time and no I won't be running in the marathon!
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