Autumn blues

Let's talk about shopping....clothes shopping.  Why are autumn colours so drab?  This season along with winter is so dark and gloomy with shorter days and bad weather that we should brighten our days with colourful  colours not black, sludgey browns and greens and the darkest tones of every colour.  Am I the only one who feels like this?

The end of summer is depressing enough and dark colours only help bring me down.  Wandering around the shops today I felt very uninspired by what I saw.  I want to be uplifted, wrapped in warming fiery colours or the bright and lighter end of the colour ranges.

Shoes are another problem for me.  I have very narrow feet so they slip forward in court shoes, they crunch my toes and the shoes fall off at the heel.  I always end up having to wear insoles and even with boots I end up with several pairs of socks or my feet slide around inside them.  They make shoes for wider feet but where are the ones for narrow feet?  I never seem to have the right shoes to go with an outfit because what I want won't fit.  Is it any wonder I wear mainly trainers?!! (Not with dresses!)

Okay, moan over.  Let's end on something good......I'm a big fan of this band.  Love the lyrics to this.  Enjoy.
