My youngest offspring (the one who on Christmas Eve asked what was for dinner the next day and when I said but it's Christmas's turkey, promptly replied 'That's lunch. What's for dinner?!) gave me the Michael Buble Christmas Album which I asked for last year. So glad I waited as this year there are 'bonus tracks'! Genius son bought me Maeve Binchy' s last ever book (sob) A Week in Winter and some earphones. I had a lovely gift from a friend of a hand knitted scarf. She'd done it in the colours to match my coat (oooh).
TV over Christmas has been a bit disappointing - so many repeats. Christmas Day viewing was the best but it seems downhill from thereon. I resisted using the internet until last evening and in the end I ended up on Facebook. Heck I'm so sad, but not as sad as those there on Christmas Day....or am I? I fear for our society!
New Years resolutions........last years were a disaster so I wasn't going to make any.....BUT having spent five minutes looking through two kitchen drawers on Christmas Day trying to find the electric carving knife (hubby will using nothing else) I swore that in the New Year I would blitz these drawers.
Youngest offspring is now out of the swamp he calls a bedroom and wants to go change his top I bought him for Christmas (I knew this would happen) and go to the post office and return the Route One jeans that are too big. Still I do feel sorry for him - the one thing he wanted for Christma,s a Basketball Game for the X-Box, didn't arrive in time (problem with one online shop being out of stock and leaving it to the last moment to tell me so ordering it from somewhere else a few days before Christmas was very tight...too tight)
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