Dieting....well trying, honest

Hot Chocolate


Okay, so going on a diet just before Easter is not such a good idea....all those chockie eggs.  But it has to be.  My new trousers were, well, a little tight.  All excess fat has gathered in that hard-to-get-rid of region and when I put on those trousers the decision was made.  So I am on a fruit and veg diet, which being a vegetarian you would think I'm on anyway.  I am, but it's the nuts, the biscuits, the chocolate, the sweets that don't help.  I have a holiday coming up soon and I must shift a few pounds.  I looked at swimwear yesterday (I don't swim, well I do, but I hate it- that's an other story) but basking by the pool I'll be the whale not the shark!

I've been good so far but then I thought....tomorrow is Good Friday - I always wake my family with hot cross buns  (gently warmed through) and steaming mugs of tea.  It's a tradition my mum started and I carry on.  Well, that's breakfast! What's that?  I could forego it?  Are you mad?! Then I am going to a service at church in the afternoon which is followed by hot cross buns and cheese (a northern delicacy).  I was giving up cheese!  Oh! well, liquid diet for the rest of the day then!  Yes, of course I'm serious about the diet, tut!!

My choir concert was cancelled yesterday but I didn't get the message so I turned up anyway (hence the new smart trousers!).  Our MD was ill but a few others had turned up so we stayed for a drink (my last hot chocolate - honest!) and a chat.  With sudden hours free what does a girl a do?  Shopping of course!  Came home with two t.shirts and a jumper.


  1. Hi Heather! I know what u mean about dieting. Have you heard of, tried or considered the Dr Michael Moseley 5:2 fast diet?! At the risk of sounding like I'm on commission, I've been converting many friends/colleagues. Look it up on Amazon if you're interested, the book's only cheap and it's very interesting reading. The diet is actually GOOD FOR YOU, and I'm losing weight on it too :) Starving, but only for 2 days a week! Check it out, oh and have a lovely Easter! Sara x


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