July Carnival time

Start of the Grand Parade
Hope all your UK readers are enjoying the wonderful weather....and about time too!

Our town (still known by the oldies as'the village') is in its carnival mode.  Each July we have two weeks of special events beginning with a grand parade on the Saturday afternoon.  This year it coincided with the farmers market  which is held once a month.  This was the first time I'd been for a look.  There were other events such as a flower show, a fun run, fete, charity cream tea afternoon and there was a big Funday on Sunday at the local park.  During the two weeks there are also other events like singing, big band night and an annual local photography exhibition, sports open day and a dog show.  This Sunday there are heritage walks but unfortunately I'm not around for that.  However on the Saturday 13th there is the usual craft fair with over 100 stalls lining the High Street.  It's always worth a look and in the past I have had or helped on a stall.  There is a range of stalls and not only crafts but tombolas, second hand books and all sorts.  Most stalls are raising money for charity.  There will also be entertainment and the Methodist Church are doing light lunches and cream teas. Who can resist?

Here are some pictures from last Saturday:

Farmer's Market




