A pig of a morning!

Gee, I've calmed down now but what a crappy morning I've had.  I was really looking forward to choir today. We were to have a workshop with Ben who was standing in for our MD.  The reason I was excited was due to the songs we were to learn which I'd run off from the choir website.  They included Gaudete and The Boars Head, both of which the group Steeleye Span sung on an EP (remember those?) back in the 70's, I think, or was it 80's?  Anyway, I love singing in a different language and Gaudete is in Latin and The Boars Head has some Latin but also my parents used to sing this at their Christmas concert back in the day.  Every year I get the Steeleye Span record out and sing along.  I worked out the chorus but didn't know all the verses in Latin as I'd never seen them written down.  Now I had them!  All fine so far.

But it was not to be. It was chucking it down with rain.  I waited over half an hour for a bus and then it took a further half hour to travel three miles. In fact I got off and walked the last part.  It wasn't until I was in the centre of town that I realised I'd lost my bag - not my handbag thankfully but my special M&S Twiggy fold up bag.  In it was my music and a letter I was posting abroad.  I was half an hour late and that was the final straw. All the pleasure had gone out of the day so I decided to do the little shopping I had to do and come home.  I was really pissed off!  I had to pop into Lush to buy something.  Their floor was like an ice rink due to the rain.  I had to go very carefully as I knew that my day would be complete if I fell arse over tip in the bath products.  Still at least I've bought my ticket to see Medea at The Rose next Friday afternoon.

I shall be going into Kingston by train after this.  That's two weeks running it's taken an age to get there due to excessive road works, not helped today by the weather.
