A woman of many parts

Covent Garden
I've discovered that I rather like being with arty types! Yesterday afternoon I went to Covent Garden with friend who had taken a course in play writing. One of her ex-classmates (or it could have been her tutor) had written a short sketch (mini play) as part of an afternoon of mini plays.  They are basically plays still in the writing so are performed on a stage with no scenery and sometimes reading directly from the script. The tickets were free and I'm never one to refuse a free offer (within reason!).  We saw three of these mini plays. They were varied and the second one didn't really appeal to me as it took me a while to work out who the character was supposed to be/where the scene was taking place. The one my friend's tutor or classmate had written was pretty good but I felt it it needed more as we were left wondering if that was the end! (The male actor was rather dishy, though). The final one was funny and I enjoyed it a lot.

Before and after the performances I chatted with some of my friend's former classmates. What an interesting bunch they were - script writers, actors and a musician.  We discussed everything from walk-on parts in Call the Midwife to electronic music. My friend introduced me as a poet!  Bloody hell, that sounds strange! That got me thinking about how we all play different roles throughout life. Over the years I have been introduced as daughter, granddaughter,  sister, wife, Mark's mum, Branch Leader of Mother's Union, clerical assistant, secretary, Deanery Literature Rep and now poet.  I'm sure there are other roles I've forgotten. After all we have so many. They are all labels and some stick forever, others pass. At home I've been (and still am at times) nurse, housekeeper, gardener, painter (DIY), cook, laundry maid, helper with homework (I got a C in one of my son's English essays - probably could have got higher but I didn't want to it to seem obvious - and anyway perhaps we shouldn't talk about that!). We are a talented lot aren't we?

After leaving the theatre we had a little wander around Covent Garden and stopped for some mulled wine which made me feel a little squiffy (I'm not a drinker normally) but pleasantly relaxed! Well, 'tis the season to be jolly.
