Hitting the high notes

I don't often write about the technically side of singing but I do know that warming up the voice is an essential element, much like warming up before you do any physical exercise. Of course we do this every week and these include some body exercises, scales, pitch and Ben gets us doing some tongue twisting exercises like saying squashed wasp or pick a copper plated kettle really fast - go on your try it!

Last week Ben took each section of the choir separately but encouraged us to drop in to try out other sections if we so wished. Sopranos were first and while we went through the usual warm up Ben took the scales higher than usual. He was sneaky in pitching some of the songs we are learning at a higher pitch than we normally sing them without telling us then lowering them to normal saying this would be easy now. How right he was. We were able to sing the high lines of Mr Blue Sky without straining and sounding like strangled cats! It was amazing what we could do. He took us to high G, higher than we had ever been before. Not quite the high C of light bulb shattering opera singers  but getting close. We'd really been stretched and came out fighting.

A few of us stayed on for the alto session so this time the scales went lower than what we would normally sing as sopranos. It was a nice exercise and I had no problem with the lower rang. We learnt the songs with the alto parts which will no doubt confuse us this week when we are back to our normal parts, but it was fun to try new things. I don't know if anyone stayed for the lower alto/tenor part. I think I could manage it as I tend to sing the lower ranges at home to pop songs but I was meeting my hubby for lunch as it was our wedding anniversary so I left.

It would be nice if each week the sopranos could have a quick separate scales warm up so we could use our skills better. Maybe Ben will try that this week as he seemed really pleased with what we had done.

Below is the video made by Love Kingston this year. Euphonix starts it off - very brief!
