A bit of modern art

It was back to Morley College last week - I'd enrolled on British Art 1956-1986. I find some modern art rather confusing, some pointless and others really good. So this course for me is to try and learn about it, the artists and at least appreciate pieces even if I don't like them.

Last week we looked at art coming out from the second World War including Francis Bacon - does anyone like his art? Actually, yes, one from our class does! There were a lot of paintings that seemed a hark back to war. This week we looked at Pop Art. There wasn't a huge amount I particularly liked, though Peter Blake is more appealing than some and the messages coming across from other artists was interesting, There was early work by my favourite David Hockney (though I didn't like these pictures at all!).

After my class today I skipped over to the Imperial War Museum and had a quick look around the Family at War exhibition, Mainly I was interested in the art, though apart from Henry Moore I didn't recognise the names of any other artists but the pictures were very good. Leaving there I went over to St George's Cathedral (Catholic). It has a couple of very beautiful windows. The Cathedral is a vast space and it has lots of chapels, mostly locked, shrines, wonderful ceiling and private spaces. I contrasted it with Southwark CofE Cathedral which I feel has a much better atmosphere and is busy and bustling yet there are spaces for private prayer away from the tourists. St George's was quiet and not so much a tourist destination. I think I expected more. I didn't feel comfortable there and therefore didn't take any photos. I also felt I was intruding on those praying.
