Singing in the wind!

Euphonix battling the wind to sing at the Southbank
On Tuesday Euphonix Community Choir sang outside on the terrace at the Royal Festival Hall. We battled the wind and cold and a few hardy souls stopped to listen to our half out set. (There are photos of our Waterloo session here) Afterwards hubby and I met up with friends for a hot drink (and a thaw) before we headed off to see some of the Christmas lights with frequent stops in warm shops! One stop was in Waterstones - fatal for me but I resisted the 'buy one get one half price' even though I found two books I'd like. (I can't resist much longer but I have no room for any more books.)

Oxford Street

Regent Street


Nice bunny at the Southbank Centre

Tonight our little Mothers' Union group have carols and readings (note to self, remember the carol sheets!) and I thought I might inflict them with the Christmas poem I wrote recently for the OU Poets Facebook page. It will save me trying to find anything else!
