A cold day in Hastings......but it's only weather

All wrapped up and ready to go
You've heard the term mad dogs and Englishmen, well the complete opposite of going out in the midday sun happened recently when hubby and I headed to Hastings on a cold, grey day this month. Why? Do I need an excuse to do weird things?

Actually, it was a good day in spite of the cold. We went off to Debenhams for lunch and as we collected our trays I saw the long window and shouted 'Oh look, the sea' and like a child hurried over to claim a table by the window before anyone else could get it!

I've always been like this. I get excited as the train approaches Gatwick Airport in case a plane is landing. Stations are wonderful places too. People off to only they know where. There's a buzz. I stare out of train windows, buses too because I might miss a great landscape, something happening that I can feast my eyes on.

Hastings was like that. Yes, it was bitter and it began to rain when we were on our way back to the train station but in between all that I took some photos, got excited about the reflection of the pier in the sea, adored the Old Town with its pedestrian area, tiny alleyways and chocolate box houses. Even when the weather isn't great the seaside can offer dramatic views and beautiful pictures.

Coming home we passed once more through Gatwick Airport. The lights on the runway shone out. A plane had recently landed (drat, just missed it) and it all looked like fairyland. A day out - there's nothing like it.
