Age related beauty and a couple of new books

My library reads - reviews coming soon
Took myself off into town today to buy a few products. I still had a £10 Boots voucher left over from my birthday and thought I'd treat myself to one of the No.7 super-duper skin range (anti-aging creams). Found the range which conveniently is displayed in age categories, so far from the one they advertise on TV which I thought I'd buy, I ended up with Restore & Renew for 60+. Boy am I enjoying being this age! Still, I have the satisfaction of knowing that in four weeks time I shall have younger looking skin. Here's hoping!

I also picked up a couple of birthday cards, my Writing magazine, a top and some other skin products from Superdrug. I love Superdrug range of products. They are so reasonably priced and are not tested on animals. Neither, I have to say, are Boots products. It is much easier now to find cruelty free toiletries and cosmetics. The other day I found a gorgeous body lotion from Original Source. I use it mainly as hand cream in the bathroom. It smells like peaches, so fresh and fruity.

While I was out I buzzed into Waterstones, as you do, and spent my time looking at the offers and wandering down the aisles of A-Z authors and the thriller/crime section. I came home with two books - the first Rebus book by Ian Rankin (it has an intro by the author - always interesting to hear how authors 'did it') and a first novel by Simon Sylvester called The Visitors. Both will have to go away in one of my hiding places until I am ready to to read them - I have the start of a backlog again!
