Giving chase to criminals

No, this isn't me! This is techie son's leg. He was chasing a shop lifter with his manager. They chased him across a busy road and over a wall into Harvey's car park. My son fell on to his knee but with adrenaline still flowing he got up and started running again but only got a few paces before his leg gave out. He has broken his kneecap.

The shop lifted was apprehended by four men, one a former police officer! They got back the CCTV equipment he stole (which I am told the shop has since sold!) and the guy was arrested. My son was helped back to the shop, gave a statement and was still in pain. An ambulance was called but the Police actually took him to hospital where he was waiting to be x-rayed. At that point he called us.

By the time hubby and I arrived at the hospital the damage was known. The decision now was whether to operate or see it it would heal itself. They decided to put a special cast on it. He was kept in overnight (this was Saturday) and a final decision as to an op would be given yesterday. The final instructions from techie son before we left was 'bring my phone charger'!

At ten past six in the morning my son texted me to say he was probably going to have an operation so he was nil by mouth. Then a few hours later it all changed again and he told me he would be discharged between midday and two o'clock. I went up to the hospital with his phone charger arriving shortly after ten thirty and then started a long day of waiting. It being a Sunday there was one doctor on covering two wards. He had been given crutches when I arrived. but we had to wait for papers, a shoe and drugs. The nurse wasn't happy with the drugs given and asked for some stronger ones which meant getting the doctor back again. We finally got home about 5.30pm.

He is taking it all in his stride (that was an awful pun). His work friends have been texting him pictures of zimmer frames and the like, while on the ward he was known as the hero! I don't think he will chasing shop lifters again. I've told him before not to. Most times they drop stuff and run for it, other times they give it back rather than be caught. But you never know what they might do, what they might be carrying. One time he chased a guy he saw escaping from B&Q with stolen goods. He wrestled the guy half way down the main road. I heard it all on his phone! I thought just let him go. It's not his fight. The guy did get away but he was damn shook up, far more than my son!

My son has to return to outpatients in a week and a final decision will be made to see if an operation is still required or whether they will continue to let it heal itself. Whatever, it's going to be a long job. Right now he's in bed with pillows strategically placed and I'm up and down the stairs with food, drink, finding his TV remote control and helping him to the bathroom. I told him I would not give him a bell but he has found other ways to get me up there. He rings me or texts me on my mobile with requests!

Actually he's not a bad patient but I'm sure boredom will kick in soon. The stairs prove a problem but so far he hasn't been downstairs today. He's slept a lot, which he needs. So that was my weekend. It just went. Everyone one at the hospital was great and they were helpful. Once on the ward they got him drink and some food and one of those nice hospital gowns! Before coming home yesterday it occurred to me that it had been years since I'd had to help dress him. At least as an adult I didn't have to fight over what he was wearing and get unwilling limbs into armholes etc. I took his PJ bottoms which luckily went over the cast. I'm now an expert leg lifter and pillow shifter!
