Going vegan for a month - Day eight

Lunch was a bit hurried today as after I got back from my sport session I had two hours to get somewhere else which included taking two buses. Luckily hubby had made soup the previous day, so I asked him to reheat it while I showered. In the soup were parsnips, leeks and carrots. We'd run out of stock cubes so I just added some salt and black pepper (I'd have black pepper with everything, by the way). I just had time to have a little lemon jelly before I headed out.

Thinking of tonight's menu I'm opting for curry made with tofu. Sorry this is a shorter post today but I've got writing to do and some essential reading for a course I'm starting on Monday.

I've survived my first week of being vegan and it's gone well despite my craving for cheese and the yukky black tea I drank on Sunday. Right now I'm pigging out on grapes while I type. I must stop this!
Dinner last night was Gnocchi (for some reason it was gluten free but it was nice)
The sauce was my own concoction and one I will make again.
 Fry onion, add chopped tomatoes (canned will do) and flavour with paprika, cayenne pepper and black pepper.
Gives it a kick!
