Going vegan for a month - Day fourteen

Yes, I'm still here! I've been reading some of the emails from the Vegan Society and I seem to be on the right track - using my head and all that when choosing options that don't specifically call themselves vegan but are 'accidentally'. There are a of cook in sauces and stir fry sauces that are vegetarian which are also vegan. When you read the ingredients watch out for eggs, milk and honey. I had my son googling some content in a packet to verify it was okay before I bought it! It's those things with odd names, flavourings and stuff I get suspicious of. Still, I've been amazed how much is actually vegan friendly.

I came across this list in one of the emails. This list is for those times you eat out and are worried about what's on offer. Click here to view it. Might be a useful one run off and carry with you so you can drag your meat eating friends along to where is good for you!

Lunch today was another of hubby's soups - Leek and Parsnip. However, his little whizzer has given up the ghost so I might have to resort to my food processor which did the job just fine before but takes a while to set up and causes more washing up. Well, you can't have it all.

I had a ripe avocado looking for a recipe. Googling I found these and also these. But this one is the one I went for. I was missing a few fresh items like Basil and Lemons/Limes, but I adapted using juice from bottles and dried Basil. I wasn't sure how many the recipe was for but I guessed. I really enjoyed it and will definitely use this recipe again. Maybe next time I'll even cut the tomatoes!
