Going vegan for a month - Day nine

I've just been on a site I haven't used for a while - Natural Collection. I was after some biodegradable bin liners for our food waste bin. Since the council in their wisdom stopped supplying them (to save money) and I've recently run out of their old ones I needed to find something else. This is when I remembered the site. In the last three weeks I've been using old plastic bags but am unhappy with that. So I've ordered some bags from Natural Collection. While I was there I also ordered something for one of my sons for Christmas and some make-up and styling gel for me!

I do think about what I buy not only to eat but what I wear and use. I still fall far short of what I'd like but I do use animal friendly washing powder and conditioner and all my make up is also cruelty free as is the shampoo and soap I use. The rest of the family do their own thing, though I try to be persuasive, yet I know I could do more. Going vegan has been a big reminder in this and I will try to improve my product buys in the future.

Tofu curry
Food - last night the curry went down well with me but not my veggie son, nor hubby (who is a meat eater after all). Neither of them liked the tofu, said it was chewy and had no flavour. Just goes to show because I liked it! I fried it first (maybe that's what they didn't like) because I thought it was hold it's shape better. However, this tofu was a firmer brand to start with, so maybe I didn't need to bother. I used a Korma paste, chopped tomatoes, water, a little soya milk, leftovers (mushrooms), carrots, cauliflower and spinach. The family aren't necessarily eating what I am. I don't expect them to go vegan but the offer was there and they took it this time. My boys often cook for themselves, even hubby will. My youngest wouldn't be seen dead eating vegan, sad to say.

Lunch today was some leftover sauce from the gnocchi the other night with some left over veg thrown in. I re-heated it and served it on toast. Lovely. You see that I hate waste and this makes for some interesting combinations for meals sometimes!

I went shopping with my eldest son to Waitrose where we'd found some vegan sweets before - the Pineapple ones in the photo. They are delicious and that's coming from someone who isn't that keen on pineapple unless it's fresh. (My son bought two packets). We also picked up some packets of Goody Good Stuff  jelly sweets which I've had before and a pizza base for tonight.

The big find was the vegan cheese! Things have changed. This one smells like cheese, tastes like cheese (mild) but with no milky aftertaste and it grates like cheese! But don't be fooled that this is any lower in fat that normal cheese. I compared it to a block of normal hard cheese and the fat content is the same. Yes, you can get fat as a vegan! A lot of people believe this myth that as a veggie or vegan you don't get fat! Huh! If only that was true. While I'm not overweight I am heavier than I'd like to be. I don't have a huge appetite so I wonder where the fat comes from - er...from the snacks?

Sweets, stock cubes and vegan cheese

Speaking of fat I'm afraid I succumbed and bought a small pack of peanuts. They are propped up facing me saying eat me. I know once they are open it will be my undoing. So why buy them? Hmmm!

The pizza worked well with the vegan cheese and I'm pleased with it (use sparingly I tell myself) but the crunch will come if I make a toastie. There's still half a pizza left. No one else will eat it so there's my dinner or tea tomorrow sorted!
