Peanut butter and banana sandwich (always a great favourite) |
So here we are in November and I was reminded about this pledge and I was going to start on the 1st but then I was going out with a friend somewhere unlikely to produce anything vegan. I did my best but I failed. So this morning I decided today is the day. A few days late but nevertheless I've begun and I will make up the days - my last being on 4th December (before all the chocolates come!).
So what is being vegan all about? Well a vegan does not eat any dairy, meat or fish or eat honey, and a vegan does not wear or use leather and some do not wear wool either. The reasons for this varies but I'd say the most common is due to respect for animals. Let's face it factory farmed animals are bred for us to eat and their byproducts appear in all sorts of things like some ice creams, yogurts, jelly and sweets.
Now most of you who regularly read my blog will know I am a vegetarian, plus I avoid milk where possible (a taste thing). At home I use soya milk and spread so the transition for me will not be that difficult until I go out. Eating out can be nightmare as a vegan, especially when you are with meat eaters who can't understand the problem and think I am that problem. Sometimes it is bad enough just being a vegetarian as I'll explain.
The book group I belong to has for the last two years organised a Christmas meal in the restaurant attached to the pub where we meet and this year we wish to do the same. I always check the menu online to make sure there is something suitable. This year I was amazed to find that out of the ten main courses only one is vegetarian and that contains goats cheese which I cannot eat (the taste makes me feel sick). It turns out I'm not the only vegetarian in the group - there are two of us! So we are going to ask if something can be done to accommodate us. Watch this space!
In my wardrobe I do have some leather shoes (but no bags or coats - in fact when I went veggie I threw out my leather jacket which was no easy thing because I'd wanted one for years and could never afford one. It felt the right thing to do though). The shoes are more because I find it so hard to buy shoes that fit. I have very narrow feet (about AA) and everything is geared for a standard fit or wider. Alternatives from ethical stores are no different and I can never buy shoes by mail order because 99% of the time they won't fit. I do possess one pair of ethical 'vegan' boots which I did buy mail order. I have to wear two pairs of thick socks or insoles and socks and still they are too wide. Plus they squeak!
I always do what I can to avoid leather even though as a vegetarian it's not a requirement. But to me it is a byproduct of the meat industry and I don't want to be part of that. I'm not perfect but I try!
So, how will I fair? There will be easy days and there will be tough ones. Going out will present the most difficulties. I'll also get questions from friends. It will probably involve some research online beforehand to see where I can go for a snack or meal (Pret are THE best and top marks to them). Thankfully I'm not someone who eats out a lot and I always fit in with where others choose to eat even if it means I end up with an afterthought meal. Why do chefs spend so little time on vegetarian and vegan dishes? They certainly charge as much as for a good meat dish.
So what am I eating today? (I won't list drinks because it's nearly always tea with soya milk or a coffee replacement - I don't drink coffee - that's a taste thing!)
Breakfast: Two slices of wholemeal toast with soya spread and marmalade.
Lunch: Peanut butter and banana sandwich. Small apple.
Dinner: Jacket potato filled with chopped tomato and kidney beans (flavoured with chilli powder) and served with veg (peas and sweetcorn).
Join me again tomorrow to see how I am doing!
Should you feel like joining me go to the Vegan Society website for great food ideas.
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