Going Vegan for a month - Day Seven

I have a weakness for snacks. In the evenings I have this desire to nibble on things even when I'm not hungry. I adore peanuts but try to avoid buying them because I'll keep going eating them, and while nuts are good for you, most are very high in fat and my cholesterol is high.

I found out about my cholesterol when I had a blood test for other things. I knew it was a bit high from a test a few years back but because of my lifestyle and being a veggie I was told my risk was low and it wasn't taken any further. Now it's up more and even though my risk factor remains the same I was offered the dreaded Statins. I said I'd rather try and get it under control through diet. I tried but at the time my will power was low. I think the cheese is to blame. I didn't think I ate that much until I realised that a lot of the Quorn meals I ate had cheese - cheese and broccoli featured a lot in my diet. I like cheese toasties, there's cheese on pizza (though I don't eat much pizza), cheese and crackers, macaroni cheese, pasta bake with cheese topping, Are you getting the picture? So I tried to cut out the cheese but one day I had a real craving and just went for it!

Going vegan means no cheese and yes I so wanted some with my Ryvita the other day. I've been thinking about searching out some alternatives again but where I live there is no shop that sells dairy free cheese. I thought I might find some in Tesco as they are pretty good but I was there today and I couldn't find any. Even our health food store doesn't have it because they ditched their chiller cabinet some years back which I always felt was a big mistake.

Anyway, while in Tesco I discovered a few other vegan friendly foods which includes snacks! Check out these packets. Looking forward to these. Picked up the Tofu too. I also found a packet of Quorn pieces which are suitable for vegans. Normally Quorn products fall down due to the inclusion of egg products, even their mince. Tesco do a mince which looked okay but I need to look into this product again to be sure and if it's okay I'll buy some. Anyway, I've bought the Quorn pieces (vegan friendly) and will see how they taste.

The jelly was lovely last night. I was worried it might taste like Lemsip but it didn't. I downed rather a large portion!

Lunch today was a tin of Amy's Organic Lentil Soup which was delicious, with two Ryvita's. As usual I've not planned dinner and as lunch was very late today I can't even think about it yet, though there is a bunch of grapes by the laptop which look rather inviting snack-wise. At least they are healthy. Just don't wave peanuts under my nose!
