Going vegan for a month - Day twenty-one


Eggs are a bit tricky. Free-range doesn't mean the hens have free run of a farmyard and there is a lot of other things iffy about this industry. One of most appalling is that male chicks are destroyed virtually as soon as they hatch. Those lovely fluffy yellow chicks are just murdered. If you want to know the full extent of this industry click here.

I've always had doubts about eggs. Somehow it doesn't seem right and when you crack them open sometimes there is a brown bit and I always wonder if it is part of a developing chick. I have to admit it is hard to eliminate eggs from my diet. This will probably be the one I'll struggle with because I use them when baking. While I might be able to bake vegan for me I can't expect everyone else to eat them. I bake for church events and I know if I say they are vegan they will get left behind. People will accept gluten free before vegan. I have some cakes now in my fridge that didn't sell at the fair so I brought them home. I've told the boys please eat them because I can't at the moment and I cannot freeze them because they were defrosted for the fair. I'm worried they will now go to waste if the kids don't eat them quickly, and I hate waste.

Still, I know the facts and in my ideal world I wouldn't eat eggs.

Now on today's meals. Lunch was a white crusty roll with my favourite Spicy Mexican Pate, followed by a vegan flapjack. Dinner tonight was the left over sausage/burger mix I made the other evening. I formed them into burgers this time and served them with potato,red onion and parsley mash, peas and sweetcorn and blobs of HP sauce. Very tasty. Hubby had some too!

Photos never do food justice 😐
