Going vegan for a month - Day twenty-two


Do plants have feelings? Do they suffer when we cut them or when we pull up the veg, dice and chop it and boil in the pot?

You do get these jokers who reckon they do, trying to tell us vegetarians that we are causing them pain. At least I think it's only a joke. Anyway, I'll tell you now there is no scientific evidence that plants feel. However, they do share a hell of a lot of the same DNA as humans. This is from the Naked Scientist site in answer to somebody's question -
.... when we look at plant genes, we can find over half of them have some recognisable counterpart in humans.  And that’s presumably because those genes had an important role in the common ancestor and continue to do so in their descendants.
I recently read What a Plant Knows by Daniel Chamovitz. A fascinating book written for the layman, so even I could understand most of it! It explained that while a plant cannot feel it does know when another part of it has been damaged for attacked. Signals are sent to warn the rest of the plant. Plants are capable of moving towards the light, even when bulbs are planted the wrong way they know where the light is. They are aware of vibrations too (think Venus Fly trap). Plants are actually very clever - they know winter from spring, understand gravity (roots grown down, shoots go up) and they react to touch, though they don't like that much! They are capable of remembering things but don't confuse that with having a brain. And this is what makes them different for us and animals. They do not have a brain and while they sense things they are unable to feel or hear in the way we do. You have to remember that if you follow the evolution theory, they are our more primitive ancestors!

Before leaving DNA I thought you might like a few more figures. I'm guessing most people know that we share 98% of DNA with chimps, but we also share 92% with mice, 51% with the fruit fly, 26% with weed and 18% with bacteria (E Coli!!).

On that note on to food for today. Lunch was mini pizzas made using the last crusty roll. I toasted it and topped it with tomato puree, oregano, cherry tomatoes and vegan cheese. Dinner tonight was one of my lentil and tomato bakes (this one was a better consistency than the one I made last week) topped with yesterday's left over mash. Gosh it was tasty and there's enough left for a good size portion for tomorrow.
