Sadly we lost our last guinea pig yesterday. When I looked at Cocoa in the morning she was laying awkwardly and was unable to stand. I wondered if she'd had a stroke. She'd been fine the night before and had eaten all the fresh food I'd given her. I called the vet and took her straight there. Her temperature was below normal - a bad sign - and at a little over seven and half years of age it was obvious she was on the way out. I did the only kind thing I could for her to stop her suffering, though it broke my heart.

I took her home and later we buried her alongside Maisie who died last year. My son said they would be fighting together now! That was the way they were. I did for her as I did for Maisie wrapping her up with some food and hay for the afterlife but with a wooden cross to mark the spot. I've emptied the cage but it's the first thing I see when I come into the room and it's just behind and to the side of where I am currently tapping out on the laptop.

I've found an animal charity who will take the unopened bags of food etc. and hopefully will be able to deliver it next week. It's going to take some time to get used to the fact that she's not here. The end was so sudden after all the trials we'd been through before, but perhaps it was better that way. RIP Cocoa.
