It's all up there - weather

My cloud book (Met Office one) and a book of walks
(walks are good for photography)
I have taking another online course with FutureLearn in association with the MetOffice. Yes, I am learning about that subject we British love to moan about all the time - the weather. What I don't know about jet streams, air masses and pressure is....yeah, almost the same as before! It's hard for someone non-scientific like me but I am enjoying it. I've copied pages to re-read and have notes. I love watching the time lapse videos. They're so hypnotic. I want them as wallpaper.

I spend a lot of time cloud watching and taking photos of the sky and this week is all about clouds. Hopefully I'll soon be able to bamboozle people when I point up and spill out facts....though I wouldn't count on it. Actually, I do want to know more about clouds but they can be tricky.

I've been outside taking photos most nights when there is something worth taking. Last night we had lovely colours forming and I took a sequence of shots over about half an hour or so. Today it's just blanket cloud (don't think that's a technical term!) but I got a few shots.

I have even joined the Cloud Appreciation Society and got my cloud selector. I just need to put in the hours and learn stuff. Meanwhile I picked up a book on clouds from Oxfam for 99p recently. Really pleased with that.

As I've spent so much of my life photographing, watching and writing poems about the sky I thought it was about time I learnt more about the subject. If you like a bit of science there are even a few experiments you can try including how to form your own cloud in a bottle. Next week is the last week but it could take me a while to master all this.

Here are a few cloud shots taken over the last few days (mainly evening shots). I think there will be many more to come.

Like this (from Friday, I think)

Sunday evening sequence (7 photos)


Yeah, the sun IS there!
