East London Group - Working Artists (Exhibition)

Trying to fit in visits to exhibitions is quite difficult right now as my diary is filling up. Christmas is coming! I find I already have several things earmarked for either the week between Christmas and New Year or January.

However, last week I did make it to Bow's Nunnery Gallery to see the East London Group exhibition. This is the London part of the exhibition - the bigger one is in Southampton (on my list).

The exhibition was great. The painters of this group remind me of the Pitmen Painters as the paintings are local scenes and personal. They recorded buildings of London that no longer exist. I particularly loved Albert Turpin's work and actually the majority of paintings there are his. I bought a hardback book all about artists who painted pictures of East London streets. Most are from the 1920-50's but there are a few into the 2000's. Very interesting.

The exhibition finishes on 17th December and entry is free. It is only a small exhibition but it is worth the trek over to see it.  There is a small shop selling prints, cards and books. There is also a cafe which I didn't use but did look rather nice.

On my way over I stopped at Canary Wharf (good for a comfort break) and found an art piece I didn't see last time I was there. I came home a different way because (a) I always get lost at Canary Wharf (stop laughing!) and (b) I wouldn't have to change tube.

A few pictures:

Entrance to the exhibition, cafe and gardens

Mosaics - Canary Wharf

Canary Wharf

Scratching squirrel!
Taken in the park and memorial gardens behind the gallery

Gladstone - Bow Road
